About Glasgow Tango Studio
We are Sari Lievonen and Jeff Allan. We work together as professional tango teachers, event organisers and performers. We have been developing the tango scene in Glasgow for nearly two decades. Our teaching concentrates on the styles of Argentine tango best suited to social dancing. If you can walk, like dancing with a partner and enjoy tango music, you will have a stimulating adventure with us as your teachers and guides upon your tango journey.
What people say about us
“Excellent tango classes very professional and also pleasant to follow. Highly recommended if one wants to progress efficiently.”
Read our reviews here..
About Sari & Jeff

We have been organising tango events in Glasgow since 2002 and teaching and performing together since 2008. We embrace different tango styles with ease both in teaching and in performing.
Social Dancing

Once you know the basics you are welcome to join our social dances. In the informal Practicas you can practice what you are learning during the classes or just dance socially. Once you feel confident in both your floor-craft and your dancing skills you can come along to the more formal Milongas.
Tango Classes

We teach well-structured classes from absolute beginners to advanced level dancers. With us you will learn about tango dance technique, musicality and the all important etiquette of tango. With this knowledge you’ll become confident to dance tango anywhere in the world.
How To Get Started
Have a look at our Private Classes Page.
Weather your just starting out on the tango adventure or wishing to develop and refine your tango, the fasted way to learn is through one-to-one tuition.
Read more about our private Classes..
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