Some Past Events
Over the year we have organised quite a few tango events in and around Glasgow,
below are just a few of the highlights arranged together in event type.
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Tango weekends with visiting teachers
Starting in the very early days of Argentine Tango in Glasgow
we have invited many extraordinary teachers to come and share their knowledge and experience with dancers in Glasgow, around Scotland, and further afield.
Tango Weekend with Melina Sedó & Detlef Engel
We were delighted to be able to bring Melina and Detlef to teach in Glasgow and for the first time in Scotland.
November 9th – 11th 2018
Two evening Milongas
Friday with DJ: Jeff Allan
Saturday DJ: Melina Sedó
Plus nine hours of tuition from Melina & Detlef.

Melina Sedó & Detlef Engel

We were able to bring Berlin and Buenos Aires based tango teachers Mabel Rivero & Gustavo Colmenarejo to teach in Glasgow in 2008, 2009 and 2010 Gustavo also visited to teach with Sari in 2015
Ines Moussavi and Constantin Rüger taught at the Glasgow Tango Festival and during a number of weekend workshops between 2006 to 2010
See them dance here..
Amsterdam based tango teacher and contemporary dancer Benny Bartels taught at the Glasgow Tango Festivals as well as several visits to the city to teach with Sari Lievonen.
Glasgow Practica
We started the Saturday Practica back in 2005 with the aim of providing additional support for classes, and create an opportunity for people to practice and develop what had been learning during classes.

The early practicas were monthly guided events with invited Edinburgh based teachers Jenny & Ricardo, but quite quickly we decided the make the practica a weakly event with the guided practica remaining monthly.
The Practica became Glasgow’s most popular weekly event often with as many as 60 people practicing dancing and socialising.
Milongas & Social Dancing

Dancing socially is of course what its’ all about, all our classes practicas and workshops are to develop your technique and ability to better enjoy the Milonga and social dancing.
We promote classic tango and what has become known as traditional tango DJs.
We value a nice embrace, musical dancing, and consideration for other dancers, to create enjoyable and memorable events for everyone.
Events and Collaborations
We have always been open to collaboration with other artists and organisations, sometimes this is to promote and spread tango and sometimes just for the sake of the Art.

We have enjoyed working with the Dance House Glasgow and Dance Bass Edinburgh National dance agencies, the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. As well as taking part in the Glasgow International, Eye Write Glasgow Book Festival, the Glasgow Merchant City and West End Festivals, Edinburgh Hogmanay The Dancin’ Show, and the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland formerly the RSAMD
There have been many other artist and organisations and we would like to thank the Artist Linder – Mirror Mirror, Spinal Cord – fire and ice, and Steve Allan Photograph – How to Shoot a Tango Dancer, as well as for participating in a number of other events.
During events we like to run tango taster classes for the public. Quite often we have been able to involve our students in events as well as the participation of the broader Scottish tango community and the general public.
Glasgow Tango Festival

Above is an improvised performance at the Royal Scottish academy of music & drama concert hall, during the 2008 Glasgow Tango Festival. With dancers Sari Lievonen and Bennie Bartels, and musicians Robert Schmidt and Mathias Leupold of Orquestra Tango Real.
The Glasgow Tango Festival took place for the three years of 2006, 2007, & 2008.
We organised the Festivals under the name Tango In the City, the organising teem consisting of Sue Porter, Sari Lievonen & Jeff Allan the 2006 & 2008 festivals were the recipients of a National lottery award. The 2006 Festival was in collaboration with Dance House national dance agency, in 2008 we collaborated with the RSMAD the former name of the Royal Conservator of Scotland.
We were pleased to have some outstanding teachers who came from Buenos Aires, Germany, Holland, Finland & Scotland to share their tango knowledge and enthusiasm in Glasgow.
The teachers were Iness Moussavi, Sven Froas, Sari Lievonen, Bennie Bartels, Mabel Rivero, Micha Diegler, Constantin Rüger
Tango Real, Orquestra tipica de Berlin
The Berlin based quartet played at all three tango festivals.
Royal Conservator of Scotland
As part of the 2008 festival Tango Real founder and pianist Robert Schmidt and Violinist Mathias Leupold taught a master class at the RSAMD culminating in a public performance by students of the conservators junior music department and accompanied with dance performances from Mabel Rivero and Micha Diegler, and Sari Lievonen and Bennie Bartels